The module has been described as a low-level scenario, which involves the legends surrounding a ruined palace, a white dragon, and a giant ruby.

Palace of the Silver Princess contains a single D&D adventure laid out in a format suitable for a single gaming session. Writing credit on the second version was given to both Moldvay and Wells, although there was very little of Wells' original content in Moldvay's version. When the orange version was recalled (and most copies destroyed), the module was rewritten by Tom Moldvay and released with a green cover. The original version, with an orange cover, was written in 1980 by Jean Wells. It was recalled on the same day it was released, then rewritten and re-released some months later. Palace of the Silver Princess is an adventure module for the Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set. The artwork depicts an adventurer confronting a decapus.ī1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, B1-9, B10, B11, B12, BSOLO The published cover of Palace of the Silver Princess, with art by Erol Otus. Palace of the Silver Princess ("green version")